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Какой индекс переулка Гвардейский
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Анастасия, можем предложить «The Quiet American» Graham Greene's THE QUIET AMERICAN The Quiet American is one of Graham Greene's best works. It marks a new stage in the development of his talent. The book caused indignation among many bourgeois critics, who spoke of a crisis in Greene's creative power. Soviet critics, as well as all progressive men of letters abroad, praised this novel in which the author tells the truth about the dirty war in Vietnam. The book deals with the imperialist war waged by the French colonizers against the Vietnamese people, who were fighting for their independence. It also exposes the real nature of American diplomacy, whose meaning is clearly expressed in the epigraph to the novel: This is the patent age of new inventions For killing bodies, and for saving souls, All propagated with the best intentions. Byron The novel is the logical sequence to all the previous works of the authoz, in particular The Heart of the Matter, where Greene's sympathy for oppressed colonial peoples is particularly evident. In The Quiet American the author condemns colonialism, and describes the terrible scenes of cold-blooded murder which he saw during the time he spent in Vietnam. Though the plot of the novel centres around a murder, the main theme differs from that of the previous works of the author. It conveys the idea that every nation has the right to decide its own future. Besides this, the author seeks to convince the reader that no man, no journalist or writer in particular, can remain neutral; sooner or later he has to take sides. The fate of two men with sharply contrasting characters, Pyle and Fowler, forms the plot of the novel. Pyle, 'the quiet American', seems to be the embodiment of justice. He has come to Vietnam to secure influence for the United States in a country that has long been a French colony. He is employed in the American Economic Aid Mission, but he has special tasks — to organize various acts of diversion and provocation, laying them at the door of the Communists, and making way for the growth of American influence, or the Third Force, as it was called. Fowler is an English newspaper correspondent. It is he who tells the story. His unhappy marriage and deep disappointment in life brought him to Vietnam. His only consolation in life is-Phuong, a Vietnamese girl whom he loves with all his heart. The main article of his creed is not to get involved in anything. As a reporter he describes events as if viewing them from afar, trying to be impartial, trying not to take sides. "I'm not involved. Not involved," I repeated. "It had been an article of my creed. The human condition being what it was, let them fight, let them love, let them murder, I would not be involved. My fellow journalists called themselves correspondents; I preferred the title of reporter. I wrote what I saw: I took no action—even an opinion is a kind of action." Later Fowler becomes fond of the Vietnamese people, and the scenes of war fill him with anger and disgust. Greene's characters are true to life. They are not all good or all bad, and the attitude of the reader towards the two main characters changes as the novel progresses. At the beginning of the book the reader sympathizes with Pyle «a very quiet American». Fowler expresses his first impression of Pyle in the following words: "I had seen him last September ... an unmistakably young and unused face flung at us like a dart. With his gangly legs and his crew-cut and his wide campus gaze he seemed incapable of harm." Unlike his fellow countrymen, cynical and heartless Joe and Granger, who hate the Vietnamese people, Pyle "was absorbed already in the dilemmas of Democracy and the responsibilities of the West: he was determined ... to do good, not to any individual person but to a country, a continent, a world. Well, he was in his element now with the whole universe to improve." When Pyle decided to marry Phuong, he did not want to make love to her behind Fowler's back. He made his senseless, dangerous trip from Nam Dinh to Phat Diem to tell Fowler of his intention. At the same time Pyle's love for Phuong is not passionate and he has no real tender feelings for her. He regards his future marriage as a kind of bargain: "I think I ought to put all my cards on the table. I'm not rich. But when my father dies I'll have about fifty thousand dollars. I'm in good health—I've got a medical certificate only two months old, and I can let her know my blood-group." Pyle's business-like love for Phuong is shown as a contrast to Fowler's. Fowler thinks only of her happiness. Seeing that he cannot get a divorce and marry the girl, he is ready to part with her, though he knows that no happiness is possible for him without her. —Gradually the reader comes to understand that though Pyle always makes sure he is in the right, he can do a lot of harm. 'Innocent' is the adjective constantly repeated by Fowler when referring to Pyle. ". . . he'll always be innocent, you can't blame the innocent, they are always guiltless. All you can do is control them or eliminate them. Innocence is a kind of insanity." The explosion in the square — the culmination of the novel— makes the reader understand the real mission of 'the quiet American', and the same episode changes Fowler's attitude towards life. He comes to realize that he can't be impartial; it is his duty to take sides, and Fowler does so by turning Pyle over to the partisans. The story gives a retrospective1 account of how and why Pyle / was put to death, and the reader has to decide for himself whether Fowler was guilty of murder, and whether the death of 'the quiet American' was a crime at all. The description of the explosion is characteristic of Greene's style. The reader's attention is focussed not on the event itself, but on the impression it produces on various people. "We were among a congregation of mourners. The police could prevent others entering the square; they were powerless to clear the square of the survivors and the first-comers. The doctors were too busy to attend to the dead, and so the dead were left to their owners8 for one can own the dead as one owns a chair. A woman sat on Iho ground with what was left of her baby in her lap; with a kind of modesty she had covered it with her straw peasant hat. She was still and silent, and what struck me most in the square was the silence. It was like a church I had once visited during Mass — the only sounds came from those who served, except where here and there the Europeans wept and implored and fell silent again as though shamed by the modesty, patience and propriety of the East. The legless torso at the edge of the garden still twitched, like a chicken which had lost its head. From the man's shirt, he had probably been a trishaw-driver." The two pictures—'a woman with what was left of her baby in her lap' and 'the legless trishaw-driver' are vivid enough to make the reader visualize the whole scene of the tragedy, and to hate those who caused it. Bourgeois critics introduced the term 'Greeneland' for the land of horrors, created by the author, but Greene himself objected to it, saying that there was no need for him to invent such a land of horrors since it actually existed independently of his imagination, and he could not help showing it in his works. Realistic description, deep psychological analysis of character, firmness, vitality and economy of style make Greene one of the most "1 prominent English writers of the present time.
Здравствуйте, пожалуйста, посоветуйте мне какую-нибудь литературу на тему"Женские образы в романе Л.Толстого "Война и мир"".
Настя, добрый день. Посмотрите книгу: Словарь персонажей русской литературы [Текст] : вторая половина ХVIII-ХIХ / отв. ред. В. А. Никитин, ред.-сост Г. А. Гудимова. - М; СПб: Университетская книга, 2000. – 361 А также: Милославская, Е. Прототипы литературных героев : нет вымысла без правды [Текст] / Е. Милославская // Российский кто есть кто.- 2002.-N 5.-С. 72-76. Печенкина Е. Н. Отец и дочь [Текст] : [об отношениях персонажей романа «Война и мир» князя Николая Андреевича Болконского и княжны Марьи.] / Е. Н. Печенкина // Литература в школе.- 2003.- N 10. - С. 33-36
Основные положения концепции Ж.А.Фабра, - подскажите, пожалуйста, где найти.
Галина, смортрите следующие ссылки Татаринов Вадим. Ж. А. Фабр Зоопсихология
прочитать труды по педагогике Беспалько
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